Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dear (Baby) Sister I Never Had

Dear (Baby) Sis I never had,

Chances were we would never see each other. We would never meet. A shame really, since I had met some of your might-be friends and best friends. When I saw them, I thought about you. How would you look like, how would you act, how would you smile, how would you see the world. It would be fun if you're really here with me. What I'm trying to say here might be not useful for you, but I wrote them anyway. Perhaps some of your might-be friends could make use of them.

Enjoy your life. Enjoy your youth. Trust me, you would miss it in some points in your life. No matter what others say or do, do not try to be more mature than your age. If it is the time for you to be silly, so be it. Go watch cartoons, play games. Read good books. Go out, enjoy the nature. Discover your talent. Know your passion.

It is okay to experiment with your hairstyle, clothes, and make-up as long as it is suitable for your age. Don't put too much make-up in your teenage years. What's the point of covering that soft, beautiful, supple skin and that pretty pinkish lips the older woman always wanted with substance that makes you look like them?

Falling in love, yes you would have time for that. Don't rush, don't go around telling everyone you're in love when you're still haven't felt that pain in your tummy every month. Even after that, some of your love story might still be monkey love. Have fun in your relationships. Take lessons from failed relationships. Know when to stop, when to bail, and when to reject. That would save your time a lot.

Be classy. Even when you're mad, you have to know how to handle your emotion well. Don't go swearing around the social media, that's so uncool. And not lady like. Oh and about that social media? You really shouldn't use it if your birth years still not included in the registration page. If your birth year not yet listed, it might be not suitable for you. No point of lying about age.

Don't use too much dark, gloomy quotes. They could get to you. See the world in a positive way. Cheerful, happy people is far more interesting than the gloomy ones. Don't complain too much, be grateful for what you already have. It's better to be smart than to be pretty, but why bother when you could have both?

The bottom line is: enjoy your time. Don't rush things. What's the point of acting and looking like a 20 while you're not even 17 yet? Keep believing that you would get everything you want in a good time. If you still couldn't get it after working your ass off, perhaps it's not good for you. Trust me.

A whole lot of love,
Your might-be sister

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